1. Races

Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious creatures among the common races. They have very different tastes, morals and customs in the many different countries where they have settled. But when they settle, they stay: they build cities that last for centuries and great kingdoms that can last for centuries. An individual Human may have a relatively short lifespan (~80 years), but a Human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins far beyond the reach of a single Human memory. They live fully in the present - making them well suited to the adventurous life - but also plan for the future and strive to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, Humans are flexible opportunists and remain alert to changing political and social dynamics.


  • Gaizans are slender people with tawny skin and brown hair that varies from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal. People of eastern descent dominate the central land of Eredonia.


  • Found mainly in the far north of Eredonia, Brogans are of medium height and build, with skin tones ranging from light to brown. Their hair is usually brown or black and their eye color varies widely, although brown is most common.


  • Esiars are tall people with light skin and blue or steel gray eyes. Most have raven black hair, but those who live in the far north have blond, red or light brown hair.


  • The Shistan, dominant in the eastern and southeastern shores of the Inland Sea, are generally tall, slender, and have amber skin, with hazel or brown eyes. Their hair ranges from black to dark brown, but in the countries where the Shistan is most prominent, nobles and many other Shistan shave all their hair.


  • Mostly found south of the Romani realm and often mixed with the Romani, Ascurgans tend to be short, stocky and muscular. They usually have dark skin, dark eyes and thick black hair.


  • Widespread all along the coast on the northwestern edge of Eredonia, Acleans are of medium build and height, with dark skin that tends to lighten further north that they live. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eyes are most common. Acleans mainly use Gaizan names.


  • Inheems aan de noordelijke bergen en rond de oostelijke pas van Eredonia, zijn de Athilse mensen over het algemeen lang en gespierd, met een donkere mahoniehouten huid, krullend zwart haar en donkere ogen.

Roma Astium

  • Native to the northern mountains and around the eastern pass of Eredonia, the Athilese people are generally tall and muscular, with dark mahogany skin, curly black hair and dark eyes.

Roma Efrea

  • Like the Gaizans, Efrea Romani are slender people with tawny skin and brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes. They use the same names as Roma Astium.